school and education

Integration is everybody's business!

Vocational educationjob-related support measures


Cost takeover through education voucher

The german language advancement regulation is funded and supported by funds from the Employment Agency and the Jobcenter AG - for example - through education vouchers

What are job-related support measures?

Job-related support measures Integrative program for integration into the German labor market through general competence and language advancement

The implementation of job-related promotion of the German language is the task of the Federal Employment Agency (AfA)

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) allows private and public institutions such as DIYALOG LANGUAGE SCHOOL to carry out the job-related promotion of the German language. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees takes into account the needs for job-related promotion of German, as determined by the Federal Employment Agency and by the authorities responsible for the implementation of basic security for jobseekers


Occupational German language promotion is used to acquire language skills to improve opportunities in the employment and training market



DeuFöV course duration | 4 months

Weekly learning | 25 hours

Demanding learning stint| 5 lessons per day

For whom is the German language conveying regulation intended?

For German nationals with a migration background and foreigners whose legal status is determined by the Freedom of Movement Act/EU

Course content & modules

The base modules serve to achieve

  1. of the speech level B 2, starting from the level B 1 or
  2. the level of speech C 1, starting from the level B 2 or
  3. of the speech level C 2, starting from the level C 1

of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

A basic module usually comprises 300 teaching units

Special consideration

 People with disabilities and accessibility should be given special consideration in DeuFöV

Courses for parents or eventual childcare   

For those eligible to raise children, parenting courses should be offered

These parenting courses should also include information on the compatibility of family and career

Regularly Lessons 

Morning-courses| 09:00 - 14:00 Uhr 

Midday-courses | 14:30 - 17:30 Uhr

Evening-courses | 16:00 - 20:00 Uhr

Extensive promotion of ...

... professional language skills

... professional skills

... general job-related competences

Professional perspectives after graduation

  1. Cross-entry into a nursing profession
  2. Retraining in the care sector
  3. Inclusion of training in the nursing sector
  4. Obtaining a language certificate at levels B1 or B2
  5. Recognition of a degree obtained abroad

Application coaching & training

Coaching is understood in many cases as an aid to self-help. In a joint process, solutions are sought and opportunities are jointly developed to achieve the goal of the coached participant

Travel costs compensation 

Eligible participants receive from Ferderal Office - when required and after an application - a compensation for the traveling costs

DeuFöV | Care (not-academic)


Das Spezialmodul bietet die Grundlage für eine berufsbezogene Sprachförderung im Kontext von Anerkennungsverfahren beruflicher Abschlüsse für die nichtakademischen Gesundheitsberufe Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegerinnen und Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger, Entbindungspflegerinnen und Entbindungspfleger sowie Physiotherapeutinnen und Physiotherapeuten

DeuFöV | Commercial & Technical Field


Der gewerblich-technische Berufsbereich Das Bundesinstitut für Berufliche Bildung (BIBB) unterscheidet für den gewerblich-technischen Bereich zwischen 16 Wirtschafts- und Berufsbereichen, wie z. B. Agrarwirtschaft, Bergbau, Bühnentechnik, Metalltechnik, Werbetechnik, Schifffahrt, Verkehrstechnik. 2 Differenzierungen in Branchen oder Berufsbereiche finden sich mit unterschiedlichen Bezeichnungen bei den Industrie- und Handelskammern sowie den Handwerkskammern der Bundesländer.

Die Berliner IHK führt z. B. gewerblich-technische Ausbildungsberufe unter der Branche „Industrie“.

Die Stuttgarter IHK wiederum gruppiert Berufe nach Gewerken, z. B. fahrzeugtechnische, naturwissenschaftliche oder elektrotechnische Berufe.

Die Berufe im Handwerk hingegen werden in Gewerbegruppen eingeteilt, z. B. Bau- und Ausbaugewerbe, Elektro- und Metallgewerbe, Holzgewerbe.

Für das Rahmenkonzept „Gewerbe-Technik“ wurden folgende Berufsgruppen ausgewählt: Baugewerbe, Metallverarbeitung und -bearbeitung, Maschinenbau, Fahrzeug-, Luft-, Raumfahrt- und Schiffbautechnik, Elektrotechnik, Lebensmittel- und Genussmittelherstellung, Objekt-, Personen-, Brandschutz, Arbeitssicherheit, Kunststoffverarbeitung und Fahrzeug-, Bau- und Transportgeräteführung


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